Absolutely Ridiculous!
I've only done one ride on my new Slayer A30 and it was ridiculous.
I can't remember the last time I laughed so much on a ride. Like, out loud. By myself.
I highly recommend.
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Weiter einkaufenEinsatzgebiet: Freeride
Federung (H): 180
lg | xl | |
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 622 | 655 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 62.5 | 62.5 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 110 | 125 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77 | 77 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 440 | 470 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 440 - 450 | 440 - 450 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 29 | 29 |
Reach (mm) | 474 | 504 |
Stack (mm) | 638 | 651 |
Standover Height (mm) | 820 | 822 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1281 | 1317 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
lg | xl | |
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 621 | 654 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 62.7 | 62.7 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 110 | 125 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.2 | 77.2 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 440 | 470 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 439 - 449 | 439 - 449 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 26 | 26 |
Reach (mm) | 477 | 507 |
Stack (mm) | 636 | 649 |
Standover Height (mm) | 823 | 824 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1280 | 1317 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
lg | xl | |
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 621 | 653 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 63 | 63 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 110 | 125 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.5 | 77.5 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 440 | 470 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 439 - 449 | 439 - 449 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 22 | 22 |
Reach (mm) | 480 | 510 |
Stack (mm) | 634 | 647 |
Standover Height (mm) | 823 | 823 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1280 | 1317 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
lg | xl | |
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 620 | 653 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 63.3 | 63.3 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 110 | 125 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.8 | 77.8 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 440 | 470 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 438 - 448 | 438 - 448 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 19 | 19 |
Reach (mm) | 484 | 514 |
Stack (mm) | 631 | 644 |
Standover Height (mm) | 827 | 827 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1278 | 1315 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 622 | 655 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 62.5 | 62.5 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 110 | 125 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77 | 77 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 440 | 470 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 440 - 450 | 440 - 450 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 29 | 29 |
Reach (mm) | 474 | 504 |
Stack (mm) | 638 | 651 |
Standover Height (mm) | 820 | 822 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1281 | 1317 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 621 | 654 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 62.7 | 62.7 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 110 | 125 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.2 | 77.2 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 440 | 470 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 439 - 449 | 439 - 449 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 26 | 26 |
Reach (mm) | 477 | 507 |
Stack (mm) | 636 | 649 |
Standover Height (mm) | 823 | 824 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1280 | 1317 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 621 | 653 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 63 | 63 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 110 | 125 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.5 | 77.5 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 440 | 470 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 439 - 449 | 439 - 449 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 22 | 22 |
Reach (mm) | 480 | 510 |
Stack (mm) | 634 | 647 |
Standover Height (mm) | 823 | 823 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1280 | 1317 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 620 | 653 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 63.3 | 63.3 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 110 | 125 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.8 | 77.8 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 440 | 470 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 438 - 448 | 438 - 448 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 19 | 19 |
Reach (mm) | 484 | 514 |
Stack (mm) | 631 | 644 |
Standover Height (mm) | 827 | 827 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1278 | 1315 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
sm | md | |
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 568 | 593 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 62.5 | 62.5 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 100 | 100 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77 | 77 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 380 | 410 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 440 - 450 | 440 - 450 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 16 | 16 |
Reach (mm) | 424 | 450 |
Stack (mm) | 623 | 623 |
Standover Height (mm) | 820 | 820 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1224 | 1249 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
sm | md | |
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 568 | 593 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 62.7 | 62.7 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 100 | 100 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.2 | 77.2 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 380 | 410 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 439 - 449 | 439 - 449 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 13 | 13 |
Reach (mm) | 427 | 452 |
Stack (mm) | 621 | 621 |
Standover Height (mm) | 821 | 821 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1223 | 1246 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
sm | md | |
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 567 | 592 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 63 | 63 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 100 | 100 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.5 | 77.5 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 380 | 410 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 439 - 449 | 439 - 449 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 9 | 9 |
Reach (mm) | 430 | 455 |
Stack (mm) | 619 | 619 |
Standover Height (mm) | 821 | 821 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1223 | 1248 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
sm | md | |
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 566 | 591 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 63.3 | 63.3 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 100 | 100 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.8 | 77.8 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 380 | 410 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 438 - 448 | 438 - 448 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 5 | 5 |
Reach (mm) | 433 | 458 |
Stack (mm) | 617 | 617 |
Standover Height (mm) | 824 | 824 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1222 | 1247 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 568 | 593 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 62.5 | 62.5 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 100 | 100 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77 | 77 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 380 | 410 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 440 - 450 | 440 - 450 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 16 | 16 |
Reach (mm) | 424 | 450 |
Stack (mm) | 623 | 623 |
Standover Height (mm) | 820 | 820 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1224 | 1249 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 568 | 593 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 62.7 | 62.7 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 100 | 100 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.2 | 77.2 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 380 | 410 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 439 - 449 | 439 - 449 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 13 | 13 |
Reach (mm) | 427 | 452 |
Stack (mm) | 621 | 621 |
Standover Height (mm) | 821 | 821 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1223 | 1246 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 567 | 592 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 63 | 63 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 100 | 100 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.5 | 77.5 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 380 | 410 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 439 - 449 | 439 - 449 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 9 | 9 |
Reach (mm) | 430 | 455 |
Stack (mm) | 619 | 619 |
Standover Height (mm) | 821 | 821 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1223 | 1248 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Top Tube Horizontal (mm) | 566 | 591 |
Head Tube Angle (deg) | 63.3 | 63.3 |
Head Tube Length (mm) | 100 | 100 |
Seat Tube Angle (deg) | 77.8 | 77.8 |
Seat Tube Length (mm) | 380 | 410 |
Rear Centre (mm) | 438 - 448 | 438 - 448 |
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm) | 5 | 5 |
Reach (mm) | 433 | 458 |
Stack (mm) | 617 | 617 |
Standover Height (mm) | 824 | 824 |
Wheelbase (mm) | 1222 | 1247 |
Die Standover-Höhe wird 200 mm vor dem Tretlager gemessen.
Diese Tabelle dient nur als grober Anhaltspunkt. Faktoren, die die Auswahl der richtigen Fahrradgröße beeinflussen, sind die Proportionen des Fahrers, der Fahrstil und persönliche Vorlieben. Rocky Mountain empfiehlt daher, die Bikes immer bei einem Vertragshändler Probe zu fahren und professionell anpassen zu lassen.
Die neuesten Slayer Carbon-Modelle sind jetzt mit unserer neuen PenaltyBox™ Unterrohraufbewahrung ausgestattet, einschließlich einer maßgeschneiderten Aufbewahrungslösung für ein Rohr und Werkzeug.
RIDE-4™ Einstellung
Das RIDE-4-Einstellsystem ermöglicht dem Fahrer eine schnelle Feinabstimmung der Geometrie mit einem einzigen Inbusschlüssel. Vier Konfigurationen sind dank eines drehbaren Chips möglich.
Die Altitude-, Instinct- und Slayer-Rahmen, sowohl aus Aluminium als auch aus Carbon, sind mit einem zweistufigen Ausfallende (+/- 10 mm) ausgestattet, das es dem Fahrer ermöglicht, sein bevorzugtes Setup zu wählen.
Size Specific Tune
Was Dämpfereinstellungen angeht, kommt es doch auf die Größe an. Jedes unserer Fully Bikes wird mit besonderen Dämpfereinstellungen versehen.
Smoothwall™ Carbon basiert auf einem der weltweit anspruchsvollsten Carbon Herstellungsverfahren, die unseren Rahmen branchenführende Steifigkeit-zu-Gewicht Werte (STW), legendäre Fahrqualität und hohe Lebensdauer verleihen.
I've only done one ride on my new Slayer A30 and it was ridiculous.
I can't remember the last time I laughed so much on a ride. Like, out loud. By myself.
I highly recommend.
I'm loving my new Stayer. Rocky Mtn has upped their game again with this new freeride beast! The bike is amazing on challenging steeps, gnarr and drops, and rips in a bikepark. I was also impressed with the bikes climbing. The lighter rear carbon triangle and improved geometry ads to the bikes balance and performance up and down. The storage compartment wasn't a buying point however I'm impressed–it holds a One Up pump, tube and tools. You can't go wrong with the Slayer, DH performance and it climbs!
Bought a 2021 Slayer A50 used in spring of 2023. Bike was practically new. In absolutely mint condition. This was the bike I was looking, and was going to buy new(had already ordered), but Rocky Mountain delayed production to make more Instincts and Altitudes for the beginning of the 2023 season. This was in an email sent to their dealers. They said the earliest we'd see new Slayers was fall of 2023. Despite the shoddy decision making and poor customer service by RM this bike is an absolute gem. It'll pretty much do whatever you want. Jump, drop, rip, and even climb. Although more effort will be on the menu when riding uphill on this beast. There's not much it won't do. It's truly a do all bike. Big brake rotors, lots of travel front and rear, and a very consistent coil providing great response. From park days to back country pedal excursions, you'll ride in confidence and style. Highly recommend this bike. Five stars is for the bike, definitely not RM.
We are riding the A30 Park edition and the Slayer Carbon, we absolutely love them! RM really outdid themselves on this version, with an even more plush and predictable ride. The park edition is an affordable DH rig with 7 speed cassette, short cage derailed and double crown, everything you need to ride laps. The carbon will be a burly, do it all machine for steady ups and fast downs! Thanks for yet another incredible bike!
Pedal laps, park laps, big mountain lines, big jumps.. and the bike handles it all. The versatility in this bike is second to none. Planted and stable yet playful enough to have the most fun. LOVE IT