When Felix Burke was 12 years old, the world of mountain biking opened up to him after moving to Whistler, BC. First introduced to the bike park, he quickly discovered the vast trail networks, providing him with challenging rides and big adventures. A few years later, after moving back east to Mont-Tremblant, he left the big mountains behind but wanted to continue evolving in the sport of mountain biking. At the time in Quebec, staying connected to the biking culture was best achieved through XC racing. Felix fully committed and soon accumulated solid results, eventually being selected for the Quebec team and shortly after, the Canadian team.

As expenses rose, Felix sought a way to support his racing campaigns while continuing to pursue the sport he loved. This led to the creation of Trail Trybe, where Felix aimed to support his community in return for donations. At 18, he organized his first Trail Trybe camp, driven by his desire to share his passion for mountain biking in future generations.
Although Felix is no longer racing, he continues to drive the program forward. Today, over 1,000 kids have followed Trail Trybe into the trails for incredible adventures. Trail Trybe plans to expand with a new program, La Brigade Aventure, helping young riders delve deeper into the world of mountain biking and adventure.