The secret’s out!
The Maxxis Factory Racing team managed to keep the new Element under wraps as they raced the last back of their season. As a result, Sean Finchman and Andrew Lespy clinched 1st and 2nd at the Canadian Championships. An amazing fete.

A true testament to the versatility of the Element, although designed for adventure, it can compete with the best in a race format too. For the MAXXIS Factory Racing team, a very cool, custom build was put together to meet the needs of racing elite-level marathon XC.

Here’s what the team had to say:
“It’s lighter, stiffer and faster than the previous version. As a racer this is so important and to have such improvements without compromising downhill capabilities and handling is amazing.”
- Sean Fincham
“The new Element is everything I want in a short travel mountain bike. It pedals efficiently, climbs well and gives me confidence to absolutely rip the descents. It’s an exciting bike to ride and has me smiling on the ups and on the downs. It has been a pleasure to ride in training and racing the past few months.”
- Andrew Lespy

Follow MAXXIS Factory Racing team on Instagram for updates, results and adventures: @maxxisfactoryracing